

Ivanka has been painting for over twenty years. Her current work uses colour and texture in a unique contemporary abstract style to intuitively capture depth of emotion. Viewers are invited to experience and extract their own images and meaning from her work.

Ivanka is also the voice of Eloael. Classically trained, and with many solo classical and musical theatre performances under her belt, she brings the emotion and intent of the music to life through her voice. Ivanka enjoys creating and composing unusual songs with the desire to both convey a story and touch the heart. Never one to blend in or move with the crowd, Ivanka always stands out in her own way, whether it be through her music or her art, her self expression always makes an impact.

Having started out in the fashion industry, Ivanka has always had a flair for stylish and sexy dress design. She has always had an ability to draw, and her long-standing love to create took her in a new and unexpected direction. Once she picked up the paintbrush, she couldn’t put it down! Ivanka’s artistic endeavours have yielded over 150 works of original art culminating in her debut solo art exhibition – The Art of Inspiration – in October of 2007. The exhibition also launched books and journals dedicated to her unique art and her story of creative expression.

“My earliest artistic memory is of the excitement in my mother’s voice when she showed my father the pencil drawing I had just created. I was seven years old and her delight left a lasting impression in my mind. My mother died when I was ten and from then on it seemed as though my whole world had turned into ‘black and white.’ I remember sketching mostly in lead pencil, as a teenager. It wasn’t until 1996, when at the age of thirty, my world suddenly switched over from ‘black and white’ to colour! Something inside of me came to life and I used every colour at my disposal to satisfy an unstoppable craving. Once I picked up the paintbrush, I couldn’t put it down!”

Be it creating original songs, original paintings, unusual stories or stunning outfits, she is most at home engaged in the mysterious creative process that defines her life.